Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that determines the correctness of a sentence. It is particularly important when it comes to multiple choice questions (MCQs) since a single error can change the entire meaning of the sentence, leading to confusion and incorrect answers. Therefore, it is essential to understand the rules of subject-verb agreement to improve your chances of answering MCQs correctly.

In simple terms, subject-verb agreement refers to the matching of the verb with the subject in terms of number. For example, if the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural. Consider the following sentences:

1. The cat chases the mouse

2. The cats chase the mice

In the first sentence, the subject cat is singular, and the verb chases is also singular. In the second sentence, the subject cats is plural, and the verb chase is also plural.

Here are some rules to keep in mind when dealing with subject-verb agreement in MCQs:

1. Identify the subject: The first step in determining subject-verb agreement in MCQs is identifying the subject. The subject is usually the noun that performs the action in the sentence.

2. Check the number of the subject: Once you have identified the subject, you need to check its number (singular or plural).

3. Choose the appropriate verb: Finally, choose the appropriate verb that matches the number of the subject.

Here are some examples of MCQs that test subject-verb agreement:

1. The group of students ____ going to the library after school.

A) is

B) are

In this sentence, the subject is the group of students. Although group is singular, it is followed by the preposition of, which makes it plural. Therefore, the correct answer is B) are.

2. Neither the teacher nor the students ____ happy with the exam results.

A) is

B) are

In this sentence, the subject is neither the teacher nor the students. The verb should agree with the nearest subject, which is students (plural). Therefore, the correct answer is B) are.

3. One of the cars in the parking lot ____ mine.

A) is

B) are

In this sentence, the subject is one of the cars. One is singular, so the correct answer is A) is.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement is a critical aspect of grammar that should not be overlooked, especially when answering MCQs. By understanding the rules and applying them correctly, you can improve your chances of getting the correct answers and avoid common errors that can lead to confusion and incorrect results.