After years of negotiations and discussions, the agreement on a unified patent court (UPC) has finally entered into force. The UPC is a significant development for the European Union (EU), as it will establish a unified patent system for participating member states. This unified system will make it easier for companies to protect their intellectual property rights across the EU.

The UPC will be responsible for resolving disputes related to patents across participating EU member states. This means that companies will no longer need to file separate patent infringement lawsuits in different countries. Instead, they can file a single lawsuit with the UPC, which will have the authority to issue judgments that are enforceable throughout the EU.

The agreement on the UPC was signed in 2013, but it has taken several years for it to enter into force. The delay was caused by various legal challenges and political debates. However, as of January 2021, the necessary number of ratifications had been achieved, and the agreement became effective.

The UPC will be composed of specialized courts and a common court of appeal. The specialized courts will be located in different member states, and they will be responsible for hearing patent infringement cases. The common court of appeal, on the other hand, will be located in Luxembourg and will be responsible for resolving appeals related to patent cases.

The UPC will be available to all EU member states that have ratified the agreement. As of now, 25 member states have ratified the agreement, including France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. However, the UK`s participation in the UPC after Brexit is still uncertain.

The establishment of the UPC is expected to provide several benefits to companies operating in the EU. By providing a unified patent system, it will reduce the cost and complexity of protecting patents across different member states. It will also increase legal certainty and predictability for companies, as they will be subject to the same patent laws and procedures across the EU.

In conclusion, the entry into force of the agreement on the UPC is a significant development for the EU and companies operating in the region. It will streamline the patent system and provide a more efficient and cost-effective way to protect intellectual property rights across the EU. While there are still some questions surrounding the UK`s participation, the UPC is expected to provide many benefits to participating member states.

As businesses grow and expand, it’s not uncommon for owners and stakeholders to enter into a share purchase agreement (SPA). This is an important legal document that outlines the terms of the sale of shares in a company.

However, disputes can arise even after the SPA has been signed, and when parties cannot come to a resolution, arbitration may be necessary. This article will explore what share purchase agreement arbitration is and how it can benefit businesses in such a situation.

What is Share Purchase Agreement Arbitration?

Share purchase agreement arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) used to resolve conflicts that arise after parties have signed a share purchase agreement. It allows for a neutral third-party arbitrator to listen to both sides of the dispute and make a final, binding decision.

The arbitrator is selected by the parties involved in the dispute and is often an expert in the field of business law. They review all the relevant documents, listen to each side’s arguments and make a decision that settles the dispute.

Why Choose Share Purchase Agreement Arbitration?

Choosing share purchase agreement arbitration over traditional litigation offers several advantages:

1. Faster Resolution: Arbitration is often a faster process than litigation in court. In addition, court cases can drag on for years, while arbitration typically ends within a few months.

2. Cost-effective: Arbitration is often less expensive compared to litigation. The parties involved in the dispute only pay for the arbitrator`s fees, whereas legal representation and court costs can quickly add up.

3. Confidentiality: Share purchase agreement arbitration is a private process. Unlike court proceedings, the details of the dispute are not available to the public.

4. Expertise: The arbitrator selected for the case is often an expert in the field of business law, which means they are more likely to make a fair and informed decision.

5. Finality: Arbitration decisions are final and binding, which means that the parties involved cannot appeal the decision. This gives finality to the dispute and allows businesses to move on.


In conclusion, share purchase agreement arbitration is an effective way to resolve disputes that arise after the signing of a share purchase agreement. It’s faster, more cost-effective, and more confidential than traditional litigation. Additionally, the expertise of the arbitrator ensures a fair decision that is binding and final, giving businesses closure and allowing them to move forward.