DAH MANSION Two players game

Dah Mansion is a game built for the Vancouver Game Jam of 2017. The theme of the jam was dimensions so we decided to use the physical vs spiritual (ghostly) dimensions. It is a 2 players asymmetric mini game. One player is the human and tries to escape a big mansion, finding keys, finding weapons, and turning on the lights. While the ghost tries to kill the human by closing the lights, hiding keys, and animating objects.
The two players connect via LAN and must achieve their goal before the other. They can move their character inside the manor, take and drop items, and turn on/off the lights. Each character live in their own dimension so they are not affected by the same walls. The human don't see the "ghost" world so the ghost and ghost walls are invisible to them. Both players can use multiple strategies to reach their ultimate goal: escaping the manor or killing the other player. One important aspect of the design was balancing each strategy and balancing the two asymmetric players so that they both win as often and that all strategies are useful in the right situation.
Team members
Hours game jam
Moments of fun!