I offer web application development services. I design and develop custom apps according to your needs. Some of the languages I know includes: Javascript (NodeJS), PHP, C++, C#, Ruby, SQL, CSS and HTML. I do full-stack (both front-end and back-end) programming.
Projcom – Project Management App
Projcom is a NodeJs Web app to manage project hours, budget, and timesheets. I created the whole application using a template that I customized. The application is connected to a MySQL database and can generated Excel reports. It also manages user authentication.

Toron – Cables Positioning
Toron is a really cool application to calculate the position of cables inside a cable group. The goal is to find the cable positions that will generated the smallest group diameter. The input of the application is a list of cables and their size and weight. The program will cable positioning that minimizes the diameter and display a 2D or 3D graphic of the result. This project was a real math and optimization challenge. The app could compute results for hours but we had to limit the compute time to a few seconds for a good user experience. The application is built in NodeJS.
Need help for a web application?
Send me a message to discuss about it :D